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iPad / iPhone - Manual IKEv2 & L2TP

1. On your iPad home screen tap the Settings icon. In General settings tap VPN
(General / Network / VPN on older devices).

2. Tap Add VPN Configuration...

3.1. On the Add Configuration screen fill out the details exactly as follows:
Replace <VPN-Username> and <VPN-Password> with your actual VPN Account and PIN.

Type: IKEv2
Description: Wtva VPN IKEv2
Remote ID:
Please login or subscribe to get your VPN Account


When done, tap Done (top right of the screen).

3.2. Tap again Add VPN Configuration..., and configure second VPN as follows:
Replace <VPN-Username> and <VPN-Password> with your actual VPN Account and PIN.

Type: L2TP
Description: Wtva VPN L2TP
Secret: wtva
Please login or subscribe to get your VPN Account


When done, tap Done (top right of the screen).

4. Activate your VPN Connection from: Settings / VPN

Once VPN is connected, simply load up the App of your choice. When your finished - open Settings / VPN and slide the Connection On/Off switch to Off.

Problems connecting? – Try both vpn connections: IKEv2 and L2TP.
If still having issues - try the alternative connection method below: