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Mac OS X - Auto IKEv2 & L2TP
Compatible with all Mac OS versions after 10.7 Lion (released 2011)
1. Download your Mac OS X Configuration Profile
Please login or subscribe to generate your download link
What is Configuration Profile?: Configuration Profile is data file (in XML format) with configuration information that can configure Apple iOS or Mac OS X device. Format of the file is Apple specific and works with Apple devices only.
2. Confirm the Installation
Safari browser will open downloaded file automatically. With other browsers you may have to locate the downloaded file named "WtvaVPN.mobileconfig" and open it manually.
3. Enable 'VPN Status' icon
If you already have it, skip to the next step.
Go to System Preferences / Network
Select one of the newly configured VPN connections: Wtva VPN IKEv2 or L2TP
Select "Show VPN status in menu bar", and then Apply
How to Disconnect from or Connect to VPN server.
Click on the VPN connections icon, and select Connect or Disconnect.
Try both types of VPN: IKEv2 and L2TP to see which one works best for you.
But don't connect both at the same time!
Now you know how to Connect and Disconnect VPN, you can start your web browser and access the Internet freely and securely through our VPN servers. Enjoy!
Still unbale to connect - Try the alternative connection method below: